Hypertension Solution: How to lower your blood pressure


Most people with high blood pressure have no symptoms, even if blood pressure readings reach dangerously high levels.                                                                                                                                    You can have high blood pressure for years without any symptoms.

A few people with high blood pressure may have:                                                                                                                                                 Severe Headaches


👉Fatigue Or Confusion

👉Vision Problems

👉Chest Pain

👉Difficulty Breathing

👉Irregular heartbeat

👉Blood In The Urine

👉Pounding In Your Chest, Neck, Or Ears

  People sometimes believe that other symptoms may be related to high blood pressure, but they may not be:

  • Dizziness

  • Nervousness

  • Sweating

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Facial flushing

  • Blood spots in eyes                                                                                     

  •  Symptoms Confused With High Blood Pressure Symptoms 

  • High blood pressure is called the silent killer because it usually has no symptoms until it reaches a severe stage. The best way to know whether your blood pressure is high is to have it checked regularly. Don't count on symptoms to alert you.  The American Heart Association recommends that adults with normal blood pressure should get their BP checked each year at routine health visits. You may also have it checked at a health fair or other events or places in your community.

  • The symptoms of severe hypertension are so general that they may look like a number of health conditions. Among those conditions are:   

  •   Dehydration  If your body doesn't have enough fluids, you might get symptoms that are also common with extremely high blood pressure, including nausea, dizziness, fatigue, or confusion. That happens in part because staying hydrated helps  maintain normal blood pressure.

  •   Menopause. Symptoms such as hot flashes and heart palpitations are similar to those that high blood pressure can cause.                                                                                                When to See a Doctor for High Blood Pressure Symptoms

  •  If you have any symptoms of severe high blood pressure, see a doctor right away. You could be having a hypertensive crisis that could lead to a heart attack or stroke. You could also have another serious health condition.                                                                     

                                                                                                             When to seek emergency treatment for high blood pressure symptoms                                                                                                                    Most of the time, high blood pressure doesn’t cause headaches or nosebleeds. But this can happen in a hypertensive crisis when blood pressure is above 180/120. If your blood pressure is extremely high and you have these symptoms, wait 5 minutes and check your BP again. If your blood pressure is still extremely high, it’s a medical emergency. Call MR.PRINCE (0535684037)

  • Untreated hypertension can lead to serious diseases, including stroke, heart disease, kidney failure, and eye problems.                                                                                                 Takeaways                             High blood pressure – also called hypertension – can lead to serious complications, including stroke, heart disease, kidney disease, and eye problems. Most people with high blood pressure don't have any symptoms until it's severe. Instead of relying on symptoms to alert you, have your blood pressure checked regularly. You may want to learn how to monitor your blood pressure at home. If you do experience symptoms such as headaches or nosebleeds and your BP reading is above 180/120, you could be having a hypertensive crisis. That's a medical emergency. Wait 5 minutes, double-check your blood pressure reading, and if it's still extremely high, call. MR.PRINCE (0535684037)                           

                                                                                      High Blood Pressure FAQs                 How do you feel when your blood pressure is high?       If you're like most people, you may feel absolutely normal. High blood pressure often has no symptoms. The symptoms that people associate with it -- such as headaches, nosebleeds, dizziness, sweating -- are very general and could be from any number of health problems. If you're worried you have high blood pressure, see your doctor and make a plan to monitor it regularly. 

  • How can I bring my blood pressure down quickly?

    The best way to control high blood pressure is to modify your diet, exercise more, and take medication if necessary. However, there are a few ways you can achieve a short-term reduction in your BP: 

    Relax. Meditation and deep breathing exercises can slow your heart rate, which lowers your blood pressure. 

    Reduce stress. Stress can cause your blood pressure to spike. Simple steps like moving to a quiet place for a few minutes or stretching can help.                                                                                                                                  Hit the shower. Warm water can relax you and ease muscle tension. Try a warm bath or shower.                                                                                                                                What can I drink to lower my blood pressure instantly?                                                                           There's no evidence that any drink will have an instant effect on your blood pressure. But certain drinks may – over time – improve your hypertension.                                                                                                                                     I RECOMMENDED NATURAL BP PACK                                                         

                        promo price

                   FULL PACK(GHC2000): GHC 1890  

                 half pack(GHC1500): GHC 1250                                                 MINI PACK(GHC1000): GHC 800                                                I ASSURE YOU BASED ON MY EXPERIENCE, THESE PRODUCTS WORKS PERFECTLY..                                                                               BENIFITS OF HIGH LOOD PRESSURE CARE PACK     ðŸ‘‰   

    👉 Strongly supports the heart and blood vessels.

    👉 It  Promotes vitality of the brain and nerves

    👉 Supplies the body with good fat .

    👉 It Protect the cardiovascular system.

    👉 It Prevents heart attack and stroke

    👉 It Reduces bad cholesterol and give room for good one.

    👉 Clears off unwanted fat accumulation in our body.

    👉 Clears off the fat accumulated on organs like heart, kidney, liver etc

    👉 Resist unwanted fat build up in the heart and liver

    👉 Retains normal Blood pressure

    👉 Lower excess fat and Triglycerides.

    👉 It Promotes proper heart beat and blood circulation

    👉 It Reverse narrow to blood vessels                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

    Customer Testimonials:       

    My name is ERICA, a nurse from Cape Cost

    l have high blood pressure for the past 14 years, as a result of pregnancy induced HYPERTENSION. ever since l gave birth my BP has never been normal, due to this l feel very dizzy any how. l don´t sleep well at night, feel very tired with the little  activity l do and sharp pains in my chest. l have used so many medications but still no change 190/130 as a result of high cholesterol and thicken blood, after so many medications l was discharged home and a doctor friend introduced me to this natural BP and CHOLESTERO.


    I am a 65 year old woman, really affected by hypertension. The sudden change caused me so much pains and agonies. I was introduced to this BP CARE Pack and my story has changed.    

    I’ve been monitoring my bp and it gives 114/87 and later on 128/89. I feel so happy for this rapid effect of these supplements over my system enabling me to have a sound sleep with no pains.


  • After many years of managing my bp problems, I can say that I am almost finally free from HBP. My daughter order the HBP complete package and from you about a month ago.

    We went to the hospital for checkup and found out that my blood pressure was reading 128/89 and significant change in blood sugar levels. I am having 6hours sleep and have been taking the products as recommended.
    I’m just grateful for coming across this amazing Cardiac and General BP therapy .

    MR. Frimpong

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